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Marketing Opportunities

Don’t miss this opportunity to build your company’s brand recognition and visibility. For more information, contact 703-223-5172 or

Marketing Packages

                        Non Exhibitor$20,000$14,500$10,000
Logo and Link on I&E Website (Sponsors page)yesyesyes
Pre-show attendance mailing listyes
Online Floorplan Upgrade: Gold*yes
Online Floorplan Upgrade: Silver*yesyes
Recognition on Onsite Thank You Sponsor Banneryesyesyes
Sponsor listing in Mobile Appyesyesyes
Conference tote insertyesyes
Recognition on General Session walk in slidesyes
Room Block at Headquarter hotel, Advanced Booking Opportunity (as rooms are available)yes
Logo in post-conference issue of FLEETSolutionsyesyesyes
Post-show attendance list (name, title and company)yesyes
Logo in post-conference wrap-up eblastyes
Recognition in Pre-Show Marketing Emails with Logos in Email Footersyesyesyes
Sponsor recognition placard for sponsor’s exhibit boothyesyesyes


Digital Booth Package Options

ItemGold $1,295Silver $995Standard (Included)
Company Contact Infoyesyesyes
Product Categoriesyesyesyes
Access to Leadsyesyesyes
Featured Exhibitor Listingyesyes
Gallery w/ Images Descriptions21
Gallery w/ Videos21
Show Specials11
Virtual Business Cards21
Collateral (press releases, brochures, case studies, white paper)42